Sailing To Success: Totally Baked Sweet Shoppe

Screenshot of Totally Baked Sweet Shoppe's website homepage, featuring new service line additions.

Client: Totally Baked Sweet Shoppe

Challenge: Totally Baked Sweet Shoppe donates 10% of their net proceeds to provide funding for essential agencies that combat adolescent food insecurity, provide refuge from domestic abuse, and offer solace and healing to children coping with substance abuse. However, the cottage bakery was struggling to effectively convey the bakery’s mission as being a catalyst for community change with increased sales.

Implementation: In the initial discovery session, LHPR learned quickly about the passion surrounding the bakery’s mission from conception. We helped craft a brand messaging map and developed the brand identity for Totally Baked Sweet Shoppe. Through further conversations, Lauren provided counsel on effective strategies to grow sales and how to evaluate campaign efforts.

Results: A website relaunch utilizing the brand messaging map and brand identity has increased sales and garnered over $15,000 in charitable giving. Totally Baked Sweet Shoppe also added catering and corporate gifts to their services due to increased demand.

“You made such a difference for Totally Baked! There are so many ins and outs of establishing and growing a successful business, and LHPR are the experts.” – Samantha Carpenter, Owner

Interested in our branding and strategy services? At Lauren Helm PR, we are masters at crafting unique and memorable brand identities. From brainstorming your logo to creating your brand story, we’ll make sure your brand stands out like a lighthouse on a dark night.